Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

A 'contextual process' refers to the intricate interplay of relationships and interactions within a living system, encompassing both its internal dynamics and external influences. It's an ongoing, adaptive dance wherein each element is simultaneously shaped by and shaping its environment, creating a tapestry of interdependencies that defy linear cause-and-effect explanations. By recognizing the fluidity and interconnectedness inherent in any context, we can appreciate the nuanced patterns of influence that give rise to emergent properties and behaviors. Contextual process invites us to move beyond reductionist thinking, embracing a holistic lens that honors the complexity and ever-evolving nature of life’s relational fabric. Through this perspective, we can better understand the subtle, often unseen forces that shape our world and the ways in which we are inextricably linked to the greater whole.

See also: relational process, systems theory, multiple contexts, systems thinking, transcontextual

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